For each event, we offer our customers to customize the box. Make it individual for each company, emphasize the exclusivity of the event that unites employees in different parts of the globe.

It is difficult to overestimate the role of packaging.
Shubers or packaging box sleeve are a type of packaging products. Speaking in an accessible language, this is a case for a box.
The design of the shuber is created based on your wishes, according to the brand book of the customer's company, for a specific event.
Shuber may contain elements of augmented reality AR

Branding of the box using stickers with the company logo, as well as stickers on the packaging inside the box



We attach a menu to each box, on which, at the request of the customer, a company logo can be applied.
Original postcards dedicated to the event, recipes and instructions for master classes and immersive shows, various themed merch